LvivTech.City B01 is the first business campus in Ukraine to receive LEED Gold certification

We are pleased to announce that the B01 LvivTech.City business campus has received Lead Gold certification
During the construction of the complex, technologies were used to reduce energy and water consumption, reduce emissions into the atmosphere, and provide comfortable conditions for residents.
Obtaining the certification is a confirmation that the company cares about the environment.
LEED Gold means that the building:
– eco-friendly,
– built from eco-materials,
– economical to natural resources,
– has increased energy efficiency,
– emits less carbon,
– requires lower operational costs and costs for utilities,
Are we proud to be Gold? Of course! Is LTC as cool as expert LEED certification makes it out to be? We invite you to become a resident and check
Thank you to everyone who was involved or related to this project. With such a team, it is not scary to pass both demanding certifications and tests in difficult times