
“The project has everything you need to do business, even in wartime”

17 May, 2022

For the third month in a row, Ukrainians have been showing the world the strength and steadfastness of the nation, inner freedom, and faith in their people. Everyone is approaching such a long-awaited victory with their own hands.

The UDP Innovative Parks team is also working in these difficult times.

LvivTech.City, the first Innovative park in Western Ukraine, continues to be built. The decision to complete the project aims to create all the necessary conditions for Ukrainians to stay in the country and restart the economy.

What is the concept of LvivTech.City? What are the key elements and stages of development? What smart urban solutions are implemented within the project?

Read the answers to these questions in an interview with our team for the TechUkraine platform at: https://bit.ly/3NkEm5Q

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